BrainStorms Award.

I would like to thank Mrs.Holliman for nominating me for this award! She has an impeccable blog where she writes about her connection with God. You can check it out here.

Also, I big thank-you to Nabeeha Jameel for creating this award. She is another great blogger and her doodles are just awesome. You check out her blog here.


  • Thank the one who nominated you.
  • Tag your post with #BrainStormsAward and follow BrainStorms if you are willing.
  • Display the BrainStorms Award logo.
  • Talk a bit about your blog. Why you started it, what you write on, and your goal for your blog.
  • Answer the 5 questions you have been asked.
  • Nominate 5 other amazing bloggers.
  • Ask them 5 new questions.

About my blog:

I started this blog about 2 months back..Thinking of it as a platform where you can connect with other writers. I basically write short poems and stories, I haven’t published them yet. My blog is all about completely random musings of a 12 year old who gets scared really easily (not very proud to share that fact). I do not have any goals for it, as such, but yes, I do plan to grow with this blog. I see myself in about 10 years, reading all these old posts, and thinking how stupid I was as a kid!


What is one of your proudest moments so far?

When I defeated my sister in a game of Monopoly!! 😂 She always wins and that one game, when she lost, I felt like the proudest person on earth.

What is your favorite dessert?

Butterscotch ice cream with chocolate syrup!!

Do you like to take a walk or a jog?

Neither, I like to run.

How has blogging helped you in life?

It hasn’t, not as such. Writing helps me. I blog whatever I write. But yes, I got to meet more people.

Which post of mine is your favorite?

I like ‘em all!

Now for nominating other people, all of you!! If you think you have a great blog, and that you deserve it, feel free to accept it! You can use the same questions.


113 thoughts on “BrainStorms Award.

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  1. Congratulations❣❣❣, many more awards on your way and your writings does not look as if you are just 12 obviously you are gonna grow more in future but I am sure, you will be proud of them 😊😊
    And I definitely laugh on my poems what I wrote when I was of your age 😂😂 like what I was thinking at that time
    All the best
    Take care 😊

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you so much!
        Actually, I do have butterscotch ice-cream at home and I ate it in afternoon today, before reading your post. But now that I know, I’ll try it with chocolate syrup.

        Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you Rishika. I am worn out. Tomorrow I promise to write up the other two as promised. Bye for now until the morning hours arrive. Have a great peaceful evening.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hello Rishika I went and got tested for Covid-19. I have a lot of the symptoms and do not feel good over all. I will find out the results by Friday . I am going to start writing the Wanna Know You Better Award. Thanks for being a good friend !!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Oh, I am so sorry, James!! 😟
        I think you should take rest and not do anything that can harm your health. And you can do the award when you feel good. There is no hurry.
        I have my fingers crossed.
        I hope you will be fine! 💗💗

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Thank you very much for your concern over my health. When I was tested the nurse said it could be just a cold but they both have some of the same symptoms. I have the Sunshine Blogger Award written up and started posting to my page. I will finish it tomorrow morning. I do need to rest up. You are some kind and glad to have met you. You are a good creative writer with lots of talent. Other bloggers agree with me. God bless you. ❤ ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Hello Rishika I feel worse today than yesterday. I hope it is just a cold also. I slept most of today. I will try to finish posting the Sunshine Blogging Award today. ❤ ❤


      6. I know that is not a good sign Rishika. I am slowing down since I posted The Sunshine Blogger Award. I am checking things before I go to bed. Thank you for caring and your concern Miss Rishika Jain. I like this a lot. You are a real nice young person with a big heart and soul inside of her.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Yes, I am happy as well. I can feel the relief on my heart and my nerves. ❤ ❤ I am honest due to being an Ordained Elder in the Melchizedek Priesthood in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You can trust me 100 %

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Thank you James. But you need them right now. Do let me know when the results come in, my friend and take rest. Its absolutely fine if you are not able to contact me much…you should take lots of rest!
        I have my fingers crossed…I hope you get better soon.❤❤❤😊😊

        Liked by 1 person

      9. Yes, I will let you know when the results come in my dear friend. I have lots of rest again today. I slept real good again ;last night. Thank you for your concern and good wishes Rishika. ❤ ❤ ❤ & Two Happy Faces.

        Liked by 1 person

      10. Good morning Rishika I got the results from my Covid 19 Test. The results are Negative. I saw my doctor today and he put me on antibiotics to heal my chest, my throat and my sinuses. I am going to pick up the antibiotics in another hour or hour and a half. Hope you are doing good this morning my dear friend. I miss you and our talk last night. Hope all is good. talk alter Rishika. ❤ ❤ & Two Happy SmilingFaces

        Liked by 1 person

      11. Yes Thank God for the results today. I am happy you feel the same way I do about not ahving Covid-19. Happy to know you are doing great my dear friend. I am going to get well soon. Thank you again Rishika. ❤ ❤ Two Smiling Faces

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello Rishika I have posted the ” Wanna Know You Better Challenge “. Sorry for not telling you sooner. I have the Sunshine Blogger Award to do tonight. Hope you are having a wonderful day my friend !

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That does make me real happy Rishika. I do care about my friends on here like you do. This is all very much appreciated from my heart and soul. Have a wonderful day my friend. God will thank you helping others Rishika. I will as well. God bless you.

        Liked by 1 person

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